Start-up for Peace - No more War!
Goal | Duration | Participants
Project goal: A German/Polish student exchange. The project concerns the subjects of history and art and relates to the Polish-German textbook project “Europe. Our history/Europa. Nasza historia”. The project involves an artistic examination of historical content.
Project duration: school year 2021/2022 (online), final meeting in Kreisau (Poland) in June 2022 in person (in case of an unfavorable pandemic situation, this meeting will also take place online). Basic knowledge of English is required for the project, a partial translation from Polish into German is planned.
Project participants: three Polish schools and three German schools. One teacher (project coordinating teachers) and up to five students from each school will participate in the project. Four artists from Germany and Poland will also participate in the project.
June 2021 – A working meeting of the organizers, teachers coordinating the project (history teachers), and artists. The concrete historical teaching units on the subject of the Second World War are determined taking into account the curricular requirements of the participating schools. The textbook “Europa. Unsere Geschichte / Europe. Nasza Historia”.
August – December 2021 – In the participating schools, three history lessons on the three agreed teaching units are carried out with the help of the textbook under the responsibility of the teachers coordinating the project. This content serves as the basis for the project.
The project coordinating teachers selects the students who will participate in the project. (At the final meeting in Kreisau, a maximum of five students from each school may participate).
January 2022 – An online meeting of all project participants (teachers, artists, students). Introductions, brief discussion of the project goals. Division of the students into four working groups (film, theater, music or painting).
February – May 2022 – At least two online working meetings in the working groups (film, theater, music and painting). The purpose of these online meetings is to establish direct contact between the pupils, to get to know the working techniques of the artists, and to develop ideas on how to present a historical topic using artistic means of expression.
May 2022 – An online meeting of all participants of the project on the process of the final meeting in Kreisau.
June 2022 – Pupils’ meetings including workshop and presentation of results in Kreisau (4 days): Five pupils from each school, the school project coordinators and artists may participate.
In the four working groups (film, theater, music and painting) a joint artistic work (e.g. an exhibition, performance, etc.) is developed. This work should relate to the historical themes taught during the project. The final Gesamtkunstwerk will be recorded and published on the Internet, as well as presented in other cities and schools after the end of the project.
Organization of the project:
the International Delphic Council (IDC) Founded in 1994 with the aim of reviving the Delphic (Pythian) Games and thus promoting the idea of peace and international understanding through art and culture. Thanks to the cooperation with the Center for Historical Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Berlin, the idea of a Polish-German history textbook project “Europe. Our History/Europe. Our History” has been integrated into the activities of the IDC. The project is realized within the framework of the Working Group of Teachers at the German-Polish Textbook Commission.
The project is implemented by the following people:
Christian Kirsch, Waltraud Kretschmann, Jean-Paul Muller (IDC), Joanna Zaborowski (Alexander von Humboldt Gymnasium Berlin and the Working Group of Teachers), Dr. Dominik Pick (German-Polish Textbook Commission).
Contact: Dr. Dominik Pick,, Tel. DE: 0049 152 24188764, Tel. PL: 0048 608 533 967.