Symbolizing Body & Mind in ancient Greece

Citius, Alrius, Fortius

Linking Arts & Cultures
Oylmpic Games of the Modern Era
Supreme Authority of the Olympic Movement
International Olympic Committee (IOC)
Founded: 1894 in Paris, France
Founder: Pierre de Coubertin
World Head Office: Lausanne, Switzerland since 1915
The Olympic Games are regular performed sporting competition events, contain athletes of multiple passions competing in various sport disciplines. They will be organised by the IOC. The time period between the games are called Olympiad.
Delphic Games of the Modern Era
Supreme Authority of the Delphic Movement:
International Delphic Council (IDC)
Founded: 1994 in Berlin, Germany
Founder: J. Christian B. Kirsch
World Head Office: Berlin, Germany since 1994
The Delphic Games are the worldwide stage for the encounter of arts and cultures. They are regular organised by the IDC and guiding exceptional artists through the six Delphic Art Categories. The time period between the games are called Delphiad.
Olympic Games were held every four years for approx. 1000 years.
Sports & Culture were closely linked with sportive (body) activities and had their centre in Olympia, Greece.
Sportive & artistic competitions were held in honour to Godfather Zeus: the Olympic Games in Olympia.
The Rebirth happened 1894, 1.500 years after the ban in 394 by Emperor Theodosius of Byzantium and Rome.
Olympia was in ancient Greece the largest sporting destination at a time.
Delphic Games were held every four years for approx. 1000 years one year prior to the Olympic Games.
Culture & Sport were closely linked with artistic achievements (mind) and had their centre in Delphi, Greece.
Cultural & sportive competitions were held in honour to God Apollo: the Pythian Games in Delphi.
The Rebirth happened 1994, 1.600 years after the ban 394 by Emperor Theodosius of Byzantium and Rome.
Delphi was in ancient Greece the spiritual centre and the most famous artistic performance ground at a time.
Executive Board (today)
Is the highest Authority of the IOC and the Olympic Games.
Amphictyony (Executive Board)
Is the highest authority of the IDC and the Delphic Games containing of twelve members – following unification of the twelve Greek tribes caring for Delphi, protecting the sanctuary, to celebrate common festivals and to serve peace. The Amphictyony is forerunner of the United Nation.
Olympic Games Identity
– Five rings symbolising the five continents designed by Coubertin
– Fire as symbolic element
– Olive twig
– Olympic Games (since 1896)
– Olympic Winter Games (since 1924)
– Youth Olympic Games (since 2010)
– Olympic Hymn
Delphic Games Identity
– Six interlacing rings symbolising six Art Categories designed by Kirsch
– Water as symbolic element
– Laurel twig
– Youth Delphic Games (since 1997)
– Delphic Games (since 2000)
– Delphic Poet
– Delphic World Culture Forum
– Motto
– Agora
Medal Award in gold, silver and bronze
– Medal Award in gold silver and bronze
– Delphic Lyre Award
– Delphic Laurel Award
Olympic Supporters
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